Congressman Joaquin Castro calls for criminal charges against House Republicans who gave tour to Capitol attackers

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Earlier today we all learned that Congresswoman Mikie Sherrill referred certain unnamed House Republicans to the authorities for investigation because they gave a reconnaissance tour of the Capitol building to the insurrectionists the day before the domestic terrorist attack.

Then this afternoon Congressman Sean Patrick Maloney appeared on MSNBC and implied that the House Republicans who gave the tour are the same House Republicans who have insisted on carrying a gun at the Capitol, which could narrow down the list. Then this evening Congressman Joaquin Castro appeared on MSNBC and called for expulsion and criminal charges for these unnamed House Republicans if it’s proven that they were indeed knowingly coordinating with the attackers in advance.

This all comes amid separate claims by January 6th Trump rally organizer Ali Alexander that he worked in advance with three House Republicans to put the event together. One of the three, Congressman Mo Brooks, then released a statement asserting that it was the Trump White House who asked him to get involved with the event to begin with.

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