Second Republican Senator calls on Donald Trump to resign

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Last night Republican Senator Pat Toomey appeared on the air and acknowledged that Donald Trump has committed “impeachable offenses,” opening the door to the possibility that he would vote to convict and remove Trump if impeachment moves forward. But now that Mitch McConnell is vowing to delay any impeachment trial until after the end of Trump’s term, Toomey is revising his stance.

Pat Toomey appeared on Meet The Press this morning and called on Trump to “resign and go away as soon as possible.” This comes after Lisa Murkowski also called on Trump to resign earlier this weekend. This means that two Republican Senators are now on the record as wanting Trump to resign.

This doesn’t mean it’s going to happen, of course. But with essentially the entire Democratic Party already calling for Trump to resign, and more Republican voices joining in, it places far more pressure on Mike Pence to invoke the 25th Amendment. The only scenario where we see Trump potentially resigning is if Pence informs him that the 25th Amendment is imminent.

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