Joe Biden is the antidote

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Every time President-elect Biden speaks, it becomes more evident that he is exactly what this country needs. Speaking at a “get out the vote” rally in Georgia, he got the crowd fired up, and he began immediately to get into why we need to win the Senate by supporting Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock. Biden further revealed that both Perdue and Loeffler “fully embraced nullifying nearly five million Georgia votes” by supporting the Texas lawsuit, which was soundly rejected by the Supreme Court. Biden told the crowd: “You might want to remember that come January 5” and further said: “Well, if you want to do the bidding of Texas, you should be running in Texas.” His speech was filled with knockout punches like this.

Biden profusely thanked Stacey Abrams for all her hard work, saying that if we “had 10 of you, we could rule the whole world. God love you. You do an incredible job,” ending by calling Abrams a hero. Biden also thanked Georgia for standing strong while our votes “were counted, and counted, and counted. I feel like I won Georgia three times,” Biden joked. He went on to separately describe each of the Senatorial candidates, linking Ossoff to John Lewis and talking about his immigrant past, and when he spoke of Warnock, he said, “His story is your story,” which is strikingly true. How many of us grew up in housing projects with moms and dads working multiple jobs to make ends meet? I did. In the case of Warnock, his parents did something right even as they had to work multiple jobs.

Warnock and Ossoff also have a great relationship, with Warnock referring to Ossoff as his “brother from another mother.” At the end of his speech, Biden spoke separately to each of them, telling them how much he is “looking forward to working with you, Senator.” It was a touching moment and gave us a glimpse into who Biden is and what he plans to do to make things right in our country.

Like President Obama, Biden comes across as very “real,” sincere, and genuine. He was serious when he needed to be and downright funny at other times. We desperately need a real person in the White House after four years of a whiny, self-absorbed, self-centered narcissist. Where Biden hit things home the most, however, was during his speech following the Electoral College vote. Seemingly speaking directly to Donald Trump, Biden said, “In America, politicians don’t take power. People grant power to them. The flame of democracy burns bright, and nothing — not even a pandemic or an abuse of power — can extinguish that flame.”

US News & World Report described Biden’s speech as a signal that he was “running out of patience” with Trump’s attempts to destroy democracy. Biden showed that he is not going to put up with any of Trump’s foolishness in his drive to bring the country back together and our allies back to the table. Biden is the antidote we need to the ills we have suffered under four years of mismanagement at the hands of Donald Trump.

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