Donald Trump’s final message to his supporters: “Destroy the GOP”

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– Pro-Trump protesters are chanting “Destroy the GOP” at their rally today. Donald Trump will be off the political stage soon, too mired in criminal charges and financial collapse to remain interested in politics. And the lasting message he’s leaving with his supporters is they should never vote Republican again, because the party didn’t do enough to save him. If Trump fans start staying home on election day, it’s a gift to us. Let’s take advantage of it.

– Congrats to Sarah Fuller for becoming the first woman to ever score points in a major conference college football game today. She’s a supporter of Play Like A Girl. You can donate to it here.

– Tweet of the day, from President-elect Biden’s incoming White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan: “The climate crisis is a national security crisis—and in 39 days, the United States will once again treat climate change as the urgent national security priority it is, including by rejoining the Paris Agreement.”

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