Donald Trump Jr. can’t take the heat, blocks Palmer Report on Twitter

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We’re not entirely sure what prompted it. We’ve never had any back-and-forth or engagement with him. But at some point during the day today, Donald Trump Jr. decided that he couldn’t handle what Palmer Report has been reporting about his father’s scandals, and he used his Twitter account to block us. No, really, the son of the “President” of the United States just blocked us on Twitter.

This is what we encountered today on Twitter:

Again, we’ve never had any interaction with Don Trump Jr. or any member of the Trump family, on Twitter or anywhere else. But our guess is that Junior got upset when we published this story late last night, which exposed the fact that he blew his father’s obstruction of justice defense by going on Fox News and admitting that James Comey was telling the truth.

It’s his prerogative to block us on Twitter, and our feelings aren’t exactly hurt. But it does show how defensive the Trump family is becoming, as the Russia scandal continues to explode, and now threatens to take down the entire Trump administration. And while Donald Trump seems to think the best way to beat an obstruction charge is to keep tweeting self incriminating things, Donald Jr. appears to think the best way to help his father beat the legal rap is to block news outlets on Twitter. It’s an interesting strategy, to say the least.

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