What’s going to happen to Donald Trump next

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– Hey Donald Trump, you keep trying to take credit for things that happened “on my watch.” The last thing you want everyone focusing on right now is what happened on your watch. Specifically, prosecutors and judges and juries. They’re going to be all over what happened on your watch.

– Trump just doesn’t understand how political leverage works. Once everyone quickly sees that his threats against Ohio Governor Mike DeWine aren’t having any impact on DeWine, it’ll be a clear signal to other Republican office holders that there’s no longer a reason to fear Trump. The problem with being such a narcissist is that Trump can’t admit to himself when he doesn’t have the upper hand.

– Tweet of the day, from President-elect Joe Biden: “Once again, I congratulate the brilliant women and men who produced this breakthrough and have brought us one step closer to beating this virus. I am also thankful for the frontline workers who are still confronting the virus around the clock.”

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