Donald Trump is waving the white flag

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– After a week in hiding and then his joke of a press conference today, Donald Trump has no public events on his schedule for tomorrow or Sunday. Yeah, he’s given up. He’s a deer in the headlights. He’s not even trying to give the appearance that he still wants the job. He’s waving the white flag.

– Joe Biden just posted a timely and informative tweet about a tropical storm, encouraging everyone to listen to the experts, and it hit me that we’re about to have a real President again. This is just totally normal presidential behavior, and yet it’s been completely lacking for four years straight.

– If you’re in Georgia and you voted by absentee ballot, you’ll need to request another absentee ballot for the Senate runoff races. You can do that here.

– Tweet of the day, from Joe Biden’s victorious campaign manager Jen O’Malley Dillon: “306. Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, the best team in politics, and nearly 80 million Americans did this.”

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