The bottom just fell out of Donald Trump’s phony voter fraud gambit

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Joe Biden is ahead by such significant margins in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan, there is literally 0.0% chance he can somehow litigate enough ballots to somehow overturn the results in any of those states. It’s pretty clear that Trump is merely “contesting” the election result so he can use it as an excuse to keep fundraising from his gullible supporters. But now Trump’s entire narrative just blew up.

Donald Trump and his allies loudly touted a postal worker in Pennsylvania who claimed to have evidence of “widespread voting irregularities” in Pennsylvania. The Washington Post says that he’s received $130,000 in donations as a result of his claims. But now that the House Oversight Committee and others have begun poking around, this postal worker is admitting that he fabricated the entire thing.

This isn’t particularly surprising. This postal worker could end up facing criminal charges for fraud, and now that he’s been caught, he’s apparently trying to get out from under his legal liability as quickly as possible. But this means that not only does Trump have no witness, he and his people have to swallow the humiliation of having touted this phony witness. The bottom is now falling out for Trump.

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