Donald Trump goes bonkers after FBI begins investigating Biden campaign bus incident

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After Donald Trump’s supporters formed a caravan in Texas and ran a Biden campaign bus off the road, in a blatant act of domestic terrorism, the FBI announced that it was investigating the incident. Let’s just say that Trump isn’t taking the news well.

CNN’s Ana Cabrera tweeted this: “The FBI is investigating an incident in Texas on Friday involving the alleged harassment of a Biden-Harris campaign bus by motorists displaying Trump 2020 flags.” In response, Donald Trump tweeted: “This story is FALSE. They did nothing wrong. But the ANTIFA Anarchists, Rioters and Looters, who have caused so much harm and destruction in Democrat run cities, are being seriously looked at!”

It’s not even clear what Trump thinks he’s disputing here. The FBI has publicly confirmed that it’s investigating, so if he’s saying it’s “false” that they’re investigating, it’s just wishful thinking on his part. Also, when Trump vows that imaginary anti-Trump terrorists are being “seriously looked at,” he’s not making the threat he thinks he is. Again, it’s just wishful thinking on his part. Trump is unraveling.

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