Donald Trump just tipped off how truly broke he and his campaign are

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With just sixteen days until the election, Donald Trump is currently behind in Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Florida, North Carolina, and other states he needs to win. So where is Trump campaigning this weekend? California. Wait a minute here. What’s he even doing?

There are zero electoral college votes available for Trump in California. This isn’t about winning votes. Instead Trump is going to California for a fundraiser. That’s right, we’re barely two weeks out, and Trump is giving up a day he could have spent campaigning in swing states, so he go all the way across the country just to beg for money.

This gives away just how broke Donald Trump’s 2020 campaign truly is. Even the $75 million that it recently picked up from a reluctant Sheldon Adelson apparently isn’t enough to keep the campaign afloat, so Trump is off begging for donations.

The reason Trump has been on the campaign trail every day is that his campaign is too broke to properly run TV ads in swing states. Yet now he has to step off the trail to go raise some more money to try to get more TV ads back on the air. Trump keeps insisting that if his campaign were broke, he’d personally bail it out. Yet Trump’s campaign clearly is broke, and he’s reduced to begging other people to bail it out. That shows Trump is just as broke as his campaign is.

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