Rudy Giuliani appears very ill after exposure to coronavirus

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Kayleigh McEnany tested positive for coronavirus today. She’s believed to have been exposed at least four days ago, but she tested negative every day until today, a reminder that people with coronavirus can often take days to finally test positive. That brings us to Rudy Giuliani, one of the few members of Donald Trump’s debate prep team who claims not to have coronavirus.

Rudy appeared on Good Morning America this morning and spoke about the circumstances of the fateful debate prep meetings. During this interview, Rudy looked extremely unwell in this video, and seemed to be at least slightly out of breath. Then he appeared on Fox News tonight and he spent the entire interview coughing. Shortly afterward, he tweeted that he’d just gotten “lucky” with another negative test result.

Rudy Giuliani is one of the few members of Donald Trump’s debate prep team who hasn’t yet gotten coronavirus. He’s still several days away from being in the clear, in terms of testing positive. And now he’s coughing up a storm, meaning he’s sick with something. We’ll see.

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