Confirmed: Donald Trump’s doctor has been misleading the public about Trump’s condition

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When Dr. Sean Conley stood in front of the TV cameras on Sunday, he admitted that he’d tried to paint a falsely rosy picture of Donald Trump’s health the previous day because he was worried that admitting the severity of the bad news could make Trump’s health worse. At the time, Palmer Report took this to mean that Conley knew Trump was watching, and was afraid Trump might give up if he found out how sick he truly is.

Now the Trump White House is confirming that this is indeed the case. The White House released this statement: “When you’re treating a patient, you want to project confidence, you want to lift their spirits, and that was the intent.” In other words, Dr. Conley was actively misleading the public about Donald Trump’s condition, because he was worried that Trump was too psychologically fragile to be made aware of just how bad off he is – even if that meant misleading the public in case Trump was watching on TV.

This raises further questions about whether Donald Trump – who has taken three experimental drug treatments in the past three days, one of which can cause hallucinations – is even fully aware of what’s going on. On Saturday night, Trump’s handlers released a photo of him signing a blank piece of paper, as if it were an important document. Trump’s joyride on Sunday afternoon was so derangedly braindead, it could end up single handedly ending his remaining hope of winning the election.

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