Donald Trump posts utterly bizarre video from hospital

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What kind of condition is Donald Trump in right now? That depends on whether you ask Sean Conley, who says he’s fine, or Mark Meadows, who says Trump’s condition is dire, or the sources who say Trump keeps asking if he’s going to die. Now Trump has posted a video from Walter Reed Medical Center, and let’s just say it’s a bizarre one.

Here’s the four minute long video that Trump posted just now:

We’re not even sure where to start. Trump is insisting that he only caught coronavirus because he was willing to go out and do his job instead of hiding in the White House residence, like any other president would have. This is ironic, considering Trump spends most of his day watching cable news in the residence, and when he does venture out, it’s usually either to play golf or to hold super spreader events in the Rose Garden.

Trump is also referring to it as “coronavirus or whatever you want to call it,” suggesting he’s confused about whether he can still get away with using racial slurs to refer to the virus now that he has it. It’s also bizarre that Trump is supposedly passing along a message from Melania, who could just as easily have released her own video if she wanted to say something.

It’s also important to emphasize that despite Donald Trump’s claim that he’s now recovering from coronavirus, there is absolutely no reason to believe this. Trump lies constantly, so he’s likely lying about his true medical condition, whatever it may be. Finally, Trump doesn’t look well in this video – at all. Not that he’s ever been fit to run the country, but can anyone imagine him making decisions in his current state? It’s time for him to step down. Now.

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