Donald Trump’s DNI stooge John Ratcliffe just went completely off the rails

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The Trump administration has demonstrated its corruptness on a daily basis, and it will get worse in the coming days. The list of corrupt individuals in Donald Trump’s orbit grows on an hourly basis. The latest who will be investigated if Democrats win the Senate in November is John Ratcliffe.

The Director of National Intelligence has shown that he has no intelligence, and is corrupt like all in this administration. Ratcliffe issued a memo today to Senate Judiciary Chair Lindsey Graham and in it, he wrote that in 2016, according to allegations by unknown Russian intelligence, Hillary Clinton “approved a campaign plan to stir up a scandal against [Trump] by tying him to Putin and the Russians’ hacking of the Democratic National Committee” but says “the IC does not know the accuracy of this allegation or the extent to which the Russian intelligence analysis may reflect exaggeration or fabrication.”

This is debunked nonsense, and anyone in the intelligence community putting nonsense like this in a report would be fired. Reminder, this is the same party that keeps trying to “debunk” the Steele Dossier, which is grounded in much more intelligence and reality than this nonsense. Hugh Hewitt is getting himself all lathered up over this memo, but anyone with a brain cell, with any mode of “intelligence,” will see this as the nonsense it is. The GOP should be ashamed of itself, if it had any shame, and it should realize that the Trump paper trail of criminal behavior is astounding.

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