Donald Trump goes berserk after his tax returns show he’s a criminal and he’s broke

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Donald Trump is a financial fraudster who is flat broke and buried in debt. Most of us already intuitively knew this, but last night’s publication of Trump’s tax returns by the New York Times has confirmed it for all to see. Now Trump is going completely berserk about it:

The Fake News Media, just like Election time 2016, is bringing up my Taxes & all sorts of other nonsense with illegally obtained information & only bad intent. I paid many millions of dollars in taxes but was entitled, like everyone else, to depreciation & tax credits. Also, if you look at the extraordinary assets owned by me, which the Fake News hasn’t, I am extremely under leveraged – I have very little debt compared to the value of assets. Much of this information is already on file, but I have long said that I may release Financial Statements, from the time I announced I was going to run for President, showing all properties, assets and debts. It is a very IMPRESSIVE Statement, and also shows that I am the only President on record to give up my yearly $400,000 plus Presidential Salary!

Okay, where do we even start with this? First, there is no indication that Trump’s tax returns were illegally obtained; the New York Times says they were obtained legally. And he clearly didn’t pay millions of dollars. And he doesn’t own any assets that aren’t mortgaged to the hilt.

Also, if Trump has a “very IMPRESSIVE” financial statement lined up, why has he spent four years refusing to release it? Finally, he’s only been turning down his presidential salary as a cover for embezzling a much larger chunk of taxpayer money. It’s clear that Trump has no idea how to push back against what just happened to him.

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