Donald Trump’s broke campaign cancels TV ads in several more key states

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Last week a bombshell landed which would have dominated the headlines if not for so much else going on. The reelection campaign for the sitting President of the United States has gone broke, to the point that it can’t afford to run TV ads in the swing state of Arizona, and the key people involved with the campaign have been reduced to blaming each other in the media for the evaporating money. Now it’s gotten even uglier.

Bloomberg is reporting that the Trump 2020 campaign has cut its TV advertising budgets in Pennsylvania and Michigan to zero. Tracking site Medium Buying is reporting that the Trump campaign is also canceling its planned TV ads this upcoming week in states including Ohio, Iowa, and Nevada. It’s one thing to not schedule TV ads to begin with, which would suggest a shrinking budget. It’s another to cancel them the day before they’re supposed to begin running, which suggests that the Trump campaign realized it doesn’t even have enough cash on hand to pay for this week’s TV ads.

Moreover, with Pennsylvania and Wisconsin looking uglier for him, Donald Trump has spent the past several days trying to make up for it by making a long shot play in Nevada – and now he’s even canceling his TV ads in Nevada. It’s not that Trump is shifting his resources. It’s that he’s out of resources.

When you’re forced to cancel your ads in the state you just decided is your key to victory, it points to your campaign having close to zero dollars in the bank. The next thing to watch for is whether the Trump campaign begins laying off staffers and/or grumblings begin to surface about staffers not getting their paychecks. If the campaign is this broke, they’re probably struggling to make payroll as well.

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