Mayor of Pittsburgh tells off Donald Trump for invoking his city during Paris Climate Agreement withdrawal

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Donald Trump tried to go full xenophobe today when announcing his decision to withdraw the United States from the Paris Climate Accord, insisting that he was siding with Pittsburgh over Paris. Trump and his staff likely chose Pittsburgh simply because it starts with the letter P, and they clearly didn’t do their homework about how Pittsburgh views Trump.

During his announcement from the White House Rose Garden today, Donald Trump said that “I was elected by voters of Pittsburgh, not Paris. I promised I wld exit or renegotiate any deal which fails to serve US interests.” This went over rather poorly with Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto, who immediately began firing back at Trump on Twitter:

Mayor Peduto then pointed out that Trump was most definitely not elected by the voters of Pittsburgh:

Peduto then appeared on MSNBC’s Hardball with Chris Matthews, where he announced that he’ll be signing a local executive order tomorrow, enacting the Paris Climate Accord in Pittsburgh. The mayors of several other cities have also announced the same.

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