Michael Cohen just destroyed Donald Trump

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Donald Trump is facing a list of crises a mile long. His 2020 campaign is by all accounts flat broke, and he’s talking about putting $100 million of his own cash into the campaign – but we all know the debt laden Trump doesn’t have $100 million cash. And of course if Trump loses the election he goes to prison.

So where is Trump’s focus right now? It’s certainly not on winning. Instead he’s focused on trying to spin up a conspiracy theory involving his former fixer Michael Cohen and, bizarrely, CNN host Chris Cuomo. Trump has even decided that Cohen is now Cuomo’s lawyer.

Trump posted this tweet today, complete with an ethnic slur against Italians: “Fredo’s got a convicted lier for a lawyer, who may be going back to jail for an even longer time – additional lies to Congress. Many more tapes of him with Fredo and other media scum reporters. Reveals how deranged & sick they all are!”

That’s right, Donald Trump just vowed to put Michael Cohen back in prison. This tweet alone represents felony obstruction of justice on Trump’s part. But to give you an idea of how little Cohen is worried right now, he replied to Trump’s tweet and simply pointed out that Trump spelled “liar” incorrectly. We’re giving the win to Michael Cohen, on the day of his book launch no less.

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