Mary Trump slam dunks Donald Trump amid bombshell scandal

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Of all the disgusting, disturbing, stomach churning, embarrassing, traitorous, and just plain awful stories that have surfaced about the abomination known as Donald Trump, his attacks on fallen U.S. military personnel might be the most hideous.

Condemnation is pouring in from all corners, with the notable exception of Republicans in the House and Senate, who are presumably hiding under their desks right now. But Donald Trump’s niece Mary Trump has shown that she isn’t afraid to take him on. She tweeted this after the bombshell scandal broke: “For the first time in your life be brave: Resign and face the consequences.”

Of course no one expects Donald Trump to resign over this. Part of the reason is precisely because of the consequences that he’s facing. There’s a widely documented grand jury in New York that’s in the process of criminally indicting Trump on state charges, meaning if he loses the election, he’s going to prison.

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