Hey Donald Trump, this is just the beginning

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When someone in Donald Trump’s orbit leaked earlier this week that Trump’s November visit to Walter Reed was for a dire health issue, Palmer Report wondered aloud if this was the start of a trend. With Trump seemingly on the way down anyway, the people around him might now be interested in currying favor with reporters by leaking them embarrassing scoops about Trump. Or even worse for Trump, the people around him might be trying to take him down because they know better than anyone how horrifying he is.

Then on Thursday evening, multiple people around Donald Trump decided to leak his disgusting remarks about U.S. military personnel. We’re now ready to call this a trend. People in Trump’s orbit are now leaking dirt about him to the media like a sieve. Maybe some of them were afraid to leak such sensitive information earlier. Maybe some of them are just being opportunistic. But their motivations are less important than the fact that it’s happening.

We’re going to see more leaks about Donald Trump before election day. Ugly leaks. In the past 48 hours alone we’ve gotten leaks about Trump’s failing health and Trump’s jarring anti-military views. This feels like a mere warm up act. Trump is about to get pummeled and humiliated from within, and there’s no one who deserves it more than he does.

That said, we still have no way of knowing what kind of impact these leaks will have on Donald Trump’s poll numbers. He’s currently losing the election, but these leaks may or may not make his current bad numbers any worse. So even as we hope that these leaks cause maximum damage for Trump, we’ve got to double down more than ever on things like voter registration and voter turnout.

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