Donald Trump has no idea what he’s doing and he’s running out of time

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Even as Donald Trump’s 2020 Republican National Convention was playing out in laughably ineffective fashion, in a dumpster fire that was all but guaranteed not to gain Trump a single vote he didn’t already have, many observers insisted that the convention was somehow going well for him. After all, it was appealing to his deranged base.

But several new polls have emerged this week which reveal what Palmer Report already told you was coming: Donald Trump didn’t get any bounce in the polls at all from his convention. He’s still losing by the same margin he’s always been losing by. Some of those same observers insisted that if Trump got to Kenosha before Joe Biden did, it would mean certain victory for Trump. But Trump’s Kenosha visit was a dud, and now Biden’s visit today is taking on more meaning, because the people there are hungry for leadership after the sitting President showed up and with nothing to offer.

With just 61 days until the election, it’s crucial to frame things correctly. Each time Trump rolls out an inept new political antic, some pundits insist that this is the antic that’s finally going to turn things around for him. Then Trump’s latest antic falls roughly as flat as his last several antics. Yet some observers still sit paralyzed, expecting Trump to pull an evil magic wand out of his sleeve.

The real deal is that if Donald Trump had a magic wand for turning around his disastrous 2020 campaign, he’d have used it by now. Early voting begins this month in some states. This election won’t be won by some stunt. It’ll be won through hard work. Even as Trump keeps swinging for a magic home run and missing, let’s put him out of his misery through good old fashioned voter registration, phone banking, and volunteering.

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