Donald Trump just gave something away

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Even as Donald Trump’s public remarks continue to become more error-prone, illiterate, and incoherent, he’s begun tweeting less often and relying on retweets more often. It’s the latest sign that he’s struggling more than ever to come up with material as his cognitive abilities fade. But that’s not news.

What is notable is that when picking out material to retweet, Donald Trump is choosing material like this: “Let’s get this straight right away Camel Laugh and China Joe will lie, lie, and lie and the media will NOT challenge them on all the false statements they make. IT IS UP TO AMERICAN WARRIORS TO GET THE TRUTH OUT TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE!!!!”

That’s right, Trump is now reduced to quoting trolls who refer to Kamala Harris as “Camel Laugh” and so on. Instead of trying to come up with a negative narrative about Harris that voters in the middle might respond to, he’s instead pushing the kind of histrionic and idiotic rhetoric that only appeal to his idiot base. Trump just gave away that he has no idea how to attack Kamala effectively.

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