Here’s what I learned today

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– Joe Biden gave an entire speech on Wednesday and he didn’t even complain about windmills once. That’s odd. Considering how often Donald Trump complains about windmills, he seems to think they’re a crucial campaign issue.

– I just heard Joe Biden say the words “Biden-Harris administration” and it gave me goosebumps.

– Donald Trump spends a curious amount of time bragging that he doesn’t know how to properly use a toilet or a shower.

– That sound you hear right now is Mike Pence running and hiding under his bed. Come to think of it, how long before Pence flees the country?

– Trump’s physical and cognitive health are visibly in freefall. Meanwhile Joe is sparring with reporters while riding a bicycle, and giving some of the best speeches of his life. At this rate Trump will be wheeled into the debate on a gurney while Biden arrives in a flying Delorean.

– Joe Biden is the kind of guy who comes up against a smart strong black woman who challenges him to do better, and so he ends up hiring her. Donald Trump is the kind of guy who surrounds himself with people who are afraid to tell him that “fatilities” isn’t a word.

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