Donald Trump just blew it with mega donor Sheldon Adelson

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In the latest reminder that Donald Trump is flat broke and not remotely the billionaire he pretends to be, he’s forced to rely on mega-donations from actual billionaires like casino magnate Sheldon Adelson in order to fund his campaign. Now it turns out Trump just blew it with Adelson.

In a sign even Trump’s biggest donors aren’t convinced he has any real shot at winning, Adelson has apparently been giving less money to Trump’s 2020 campaign than he gave to Trump’s 2016 campaign. And in a sign that Trump is becoming more erratically self sabotaging by the day, Politico says that after Trump chewed out Adelson for his diminishing donations, Adelson is thinking about cutting Trump off entirely. It gets worse.

It’s not just that Sheldon Adelson is considering cutting Trump off. It’s that Adelson is so pissed off about it, he’s making a point of publicly humiliating Trump by leaking to the media that he’s threatening to cut Trump off. We’ll see if Trump ends up falling back in line and getting back into Adelson’s pocket. But this is a sign that Trump’s sinking campaign is reaching the breaking point – and that Trump is behaving in a way that’s making it even worse for him.

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