Donald Trump goes off the Twitter deep end, begins blocking people who make fun of his tweets

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At the end of a week which saw him humiliate himself on the world stage and his scandals deepen to include members of his own family, Donald Trump doesn’t appear to be handling the pressure well. On Sunday evening, shortly after complaining about how his tweets are portrayed, Trump began blocking people on Twitter who were making fun of his tweets.

The first victim we’ve been able to document of Trump’s Sunday night Twitter massacre was comedic writer Bess Kalb, who tweeted the following at 8:36pm eastern time:

It turns out Kalb wasn’t the only one whom Donald Trump proceeded to block on Twitter. Almost immediately afterward, Fansided founder Adam Best tweeted that he had just been blocked as well. Then at 9:06pm, songwriter Holly O’Reilly revealed that she had also been blocked by Trump for making fun of him:

There are two distinct possibilities here. One is that Donald Trump couldn’t handle being made fun of anymore, and went on a blocking spree, meaning that he truly can’t take the heat any longer, and that he lacks the discipline to simply stay out of the “replies” tab. The other is that Trump’s handlers have taken control of his Twitter account, and they’re blocking the people who make fun of him in the hope that he’ll won’t see any of it.

The latter is supported by the widespread reports that Trump spent the day meeting with his newly hired attorneys, who may have advised him to limit his Twitter exposure for legal reasons as his Russia scandal and obstruction of justice scandal grow deeper. There’s also the matter of Trump’s tweet shortly before he began blocking people, which read “The Fake News Media works hard at disparaging & demeaning my use of social media because they don’t want America to hear the real story!”

Nothing about Donald Trump’s vocabulary to date has suggested that he has a grasp on the word “disparaging” or the word “demeaning” – and it’s even more difficult to believe that he would understand the slightly different connotations of both words well enough to use them both in the same sentence. It raises the question of whether he even wrote this tweet, or if his handlers wrote it while attempting to sound like him, and merely didn’t dumb it down enough to make it believable. Strangely, Donald Trump has yet to block Palmer Report on Twitter, where we make fun of his tweets regularly.

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