This is a well deserved slap in Donald Trump’s face

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Another day, another slap in the face for “president” Donald Trump. The Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute issued a “cease and desist” to the Trump campaign for use of President Reagan’s likeness in fundraising emails. On July 19, the Trump campaign sent an email to supporters, offering “limited edition” gold coins depicting the likenesses of Reagan and Trump for a contribution of $45 or more.

Trump’s attempts to capitalize off Reagan are not new. Trump shared a meme in July 2019 with a quote allegedly from Ronald Reagan: “For the life of me, and I’ll never know how to explain it, when I met that young man, I felt like I was the one shaking hands with the president.” Trump, in his juvenile way, accompanied the meme with “Cute!” The chief administrative officer of the Reagan Foundation confirmed that Ronald Reagan “did not ever say that about Donald Trump.” This shows how desperately Trump wants a second term by using the likeness of a real Republican who would never have supported Trump.

RNC communications director Michael Ahrens feigned surprise at the request, stating: “President Reagan was a proud Republican and supporter of a party that has carried on his fight for conservative principles of economic opportunity and limited government.” Trump is none of the things represented by real members of the Republican party. Ahrens further shared that the Foundation “regularly hosts debates for our presidential candidates.” At some point, Ahrens should figure out that the Foundation does not consider Trump worthy of its support including the fact that it is not normal for Republicans to take money from their own campaigns to prop up their failing businesses.

Forbes investigated Trump’s use of campaign funds, which should come as no surprise to anyone. Trump has collected over $2.2 million in revenue from his own campaign, the RNC, other committees, and grassroots supporters. Trump gets away with this by hosting functions for the campaign and its staff. Trump has donated nothing to his own reelection bid, yet he continues to rake in revenue from those who have donated. Forbes revealed that the $2.2 million came directly through the campaign, but he has also taken an additional $2.3 million from his fundraising committees, Trump Victory and Trump Make America Great Again.

Forbes reviewed the Federal Election Commission records, which reveal that the RNC has spent an additional $2.4 million at Trump’s properties for a total of almost $7 million that has gone straight into Trump’s pocket. He should change his campaign slogan from “Make America Great Again” to “Make Trump Rich Again.” This clarifies Trump’s desire to retain the office he stole. He has raked in more in four years than much of the lifetimes of his failed properties. Now, it all makes sense. This also explains Trump’s desire for dictatorship. If he reports to no one, who can complain about what he is doing?

It is vital that we give Trump a rude awakening in November. We must let him know that his hustling days have come to an end, and he can return to bankrupting his own businesses instead of our country. It cannot happen soon enough.

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