Ted Yoho finally suffers consequences after his deranged attack on AOC

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When Congressman Ted Yoho accosted Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez this past week and ended up calling her a “f*cking b*tch,” Palmer Report pointed out that it was unlikely he would be expelled from the House, because cowardly House Republicans would never be willing to go along with it. Sure enough, AOC had to settle for a half hearted apology.

But now Ted Yoho is indeed starting to face some real-world consequences for his deplorable behavior. Yoho was just forced to resign from the board of directors of a charity that fights hunger. This may not sound like much of a punishment, but consider what it portends.

Ted Yoho is set to retire from the House at the end of this term. Former House members tend to rely on board positions, speaking gigs, and other honorifics in order to build a brand and make a living. Now we’ve already got one group kicking Yoho off its board, suggesting that his reputation is somewhere between toxic and radioactive right now. If even the charitable groups don’t want his help, he may have trouble landing gigs with profitable groups. We’ll see.

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