It’s all slipping away from him

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The worse things get for Donald Trump, the more we keep hearing about how he must have some kind of secret evil genius master plan up his sleeve. He wouldn’t dig himself such a deep hole if he didn’t have a magic trap door for getting out of it, right?

But even as too many people on our side spend too much time trying to figure out Donald Trump’s secret master plan, he keeps showing us that there simply isn’t one. What, you thought Trump had a plan when he tried to move the Republican National Convention from North Carolina over a mask dispute? His tantrum left him with no convention at all.

You thought Trump had a plan when he had Bill Barr throw Michael Cohen back in prison to try to keep Cohen’s book from coming out? Cohen is getting back out of prison today, and the book is still set to be released on schedule. You thought Trump had a plan when he sent his goons to invade Portland? Everyone from the Oregon Attorney General to the DOJ Inspector General is now pushing back against it. And Trump certainly wasn’t carrying out a secret master plan when he randomly invited a retired baseball player to speak at his coronavirus press conference in a way that impressed no one.

The reality is that Donald Trump is in over his head, he doesn’t know any way out of this, it’s all slipping away from him, and he’s running out of time. He’s three and a half months from very likely losing an election – and if he does lose, he’s rotting in solitary confinement for the rest of his life. Let’s work hard. Let’s stay vigilant. But let’s not delude ourselves into believing that Trump has any idea what he’s doing. He doesn’t. There simply is no plan.

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