Newt Gingrich has total meltdown as Donald Trump circles the drain

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Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich has spent the past few years trying to use Donald Trump’s presidency to find his own way back to relevance. Unfortunately for Newt, Trump is a sinking ship. Newt is no more relevant than he was four years ago – but he has succeeded in turning himself into a total punchline.

For instance, after Donald Trump humiliated himself during his interview with Chris Wallace, Newt Gingrich thought this tweet would be a good idea today:


Uh, no. Donald Trump couldn’t answer basic questions about the pandemic, and he backed himself into a corner where he ended up bragging that he was able to correctly identify a picture of an elephant when doctors tested him for senility. It was arguably the most humiliating moment of Trump’s presidency.

Yet Newt Gingrich is so desperate to get a job in Trump’s failing White House, or whatever Newt is after at this late date, he’s completely melting down about how Trump somehow aced the interview. This is embarrassing, even for Gingrich.

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