Well that escalated quickly

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Earlier this afternoon Palmer Report told you how Joe Biden’s lead had grown to an eye popping fifteen points over Donald Trump nationwide in the latest Quinnipiac poll. We noted that this was Biden’s strongest number yet, and that we’d have to wait to see if Biden’s lead would also grow in the other major polls as they get updated.

Now we have our first taste of an answer. The new NBC News poll now has Joe Biden up by eleven points over Donald Trump. This is notable because Biden was up by seven points in this same poll roughly a month ago. So Biden’s lead has grown by four points in the NBC poll, and his lead has grown by seven points in the Quinnipiac poll. That’s precisely the kind of trend line you want to see if you’re Biden.

Of course Biden’s average lead is still closer to ten points nationwide; for instance the Economist released a new poll today that has Biden up by just nine points. But this is all good news for Biden and all bad news for Donald Trump. This gives the Resistance an opportunity to really try to run up the score and take the Senate by doubling down on things like voter registration and voter turnout.

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