The real reason Geraldo Rivera is defending Ghislaine Maxwell in the Jeffrey Epstein case

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Jeffrey Epstein’s alleged co-conspirator Ghislaine Maxwell was denied bail on Tuesday, meaning she’ll rot in jail until her trial date arrives in 2021. This wasn’t surprising, considering the hideous nature of the charges, the strong evidence against her, and her penchant for disappearing. No one seems interested in defending Maxwell โ€“ except, curiously, for Geraldo Rivera.

That’s right, Fox News host Geraldo Rivera is loudly defending Ghislaine Maxwell, insisting that the case against her is “wobbly,” and accusing the judge of having merely caved to public opinion by denying bail. Okay this is just weird. What is Geraldo doing? He’s certainly not going to gain any points with anyone โ€“ not even his own audience โ€“ by taking this stance.

There are a few possibilities. One would be that Geraldo, who stopped being relevant a long time ago and mainly only sticks around by virtue of being absurd, is taking the most outlandish position he can think of. Another could be that he’s friends with Maxwell and is trying to stand by her. A lot of people on social media are asking if perhaps Maxwell has dirt on Geraldo, though there’s no known evidence of this.

We’ll see. Whatever is going on with this Epstein-Maxwell travesty, it’ll all come out in the end. We’re too far down the rabbit hole now. All the secrets in this case are going to come out, wherever they may lead.

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