Donald Trump suffers humiliatingly senile moment on camera

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With his poll numbers continuing to drop due to his negligent mishandling of the coronavirus crisis, Donald Trump has decided that the best way to turn things around for himself is to handle the crisis even more poorly. He’s now doing everything he can to pressure the schools to open in the fall, despite the deadly cost involved. The trouble for Trump is that his brain is so addled, he has no idea what he’s even talking about.

Trump sat down for an interview with CBS News, and he was asked what he has to say to parents and teachers who aren’t on board with his reckless reopening plan. Trump’s answer: “I would tell parents and teachers that you should find yourself a new person whoever’s in charge of that decision because it’s a terrible decision because children and parents are dying from that trauma too. They’re dying because they can’t do what they’re doing … We’re starting to do very well in the polls because I’m for law and order.”

To be clear, Donald Trump is not “starting to do very well in the polls.” Beyond that, we have no idea what he was even trying to say – and surely neither does he. This wasn’t merely a matter of Trump getting tongue tied. He was babbling and not saying anything at all. This was a humiliatingly senile moment for him. It couldn’t happen to a nicer fascist.

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