Rudy Giuliani goes completely bonkers

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Maybe the pressure is getting to Rudy Giuliani now that the Trump-Barr plan to derail SDNY prosecutions has failed. Maybe Rudy is just going stir crazy during the lockdown. Or maybe Rudy has simply gone round the bend. Either way, while he awaits his potential arrest, he’s going completely bonkers.

At one point on Wednesday, Rudy Giuliani proclaimed – without any context – that “[Black Lives Matter] is a Hate America organization.” At another point Rudy called on Donald Trump to create a new crime task force run by Rudy and convicted felon Bernard Kerik. That’s right, Rudy thinks a crime task force should be run by a guy who’s waiting to be arrested and a guy who’s already gone to prison.

Rudy Giuliani also went on a bender about “Dr. Anthony ‘Doomsday’ Fauci” before going on to attack Colin Kaepernick, spelling his name incorrectly in the process. At this point we’re not even sure Rudy can spell his own name anymore.

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