Here’s the thing about Colonel Vindman retiring

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With his scheduled promotion in jeopardy due to Donald Trump’s desire for revenge, Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vindman has announced that he’s retiring from the U.S. Army. His attorney says he’s faced a “campaign of bullying, intimidation, and retaliation” after having testified during Donald Trump’s impeachment hearing.

This is sad, pointless, and a great loss to the country. It’s also yet another reminder of how profoundly unfit Donald Trump is for office, and how much destruction he’s willing to bring down on this country and its people as he seeks revenge for the collapse of his own presidency. Here’s the thing, though.

We don’t know what Colonel Vindman will decide to go on to do next. But we do know that he’ll join the growing list of highly qualified people who have been pushed out of public service because of Donald Trump, and who will be readily available to serve in a Joe Biden administration if they want to. It’s yet another reason why it’s so crucial that we elect Biden by an overwhelming margin in the fall.

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