CNN exposes Donald Trump for posting fake story that he falsely claimed was from CNN

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On Thursday evening Donald Trump tweeted a video that was problematic on several levels. First, it falsely claimed that CNN had aired a story about a “racist baby” on the loose. Second, it ruined what had been a popular feel-good meme. And for good measure, the fake video somehow misspelled “toddler.”

Twitter responded by slapping a “Manipulated Media” warning label on Donald Trump’s tweet. CNN piled on, using its @CNNPR account to post this response: “CNN did cover this story – exactly as it happened. Just as we reported your positions on race (and poll numbers). We’ll continue working with facts rather than tweeting fake videos that exploit innocent children. We invite you to do the same. Be better.” CNN then linked to its original story from last September, which accurately reported on the two toddlers in question.

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