Donald Trump has bizarre “SILENT MAJORITY” meltdown as it all falls apart for him

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Back in late 1969, when Richard Nixon had a high approval rating but he felt his supporters weren’t being covered by the media, he gave a speech calling them the “silent majority” and urging them to rally behind him. Now Donald Trump is trying to co-opt that phrase – but he doesn’t appear to have any idea how or why Nixon was using it to begin with.

Donald Trump just maniacally yelled “THE SILENT MAJORITY IS STRONGER THAN EVER!!!” on Twitter, using all capital letters to make clear that he’s melting down about it. That’s cute, except Trump’s approval rating is in the toilet. He doesn’t have anything close to majority support. In fact the polls show that a firm majority of Americans are against him. If anything, his shrinking number of supporters are getting more media coverage than they should, as they’re clearly not a large enough group to save him, and they’re therefore electorally irrelevant.

Nixon was trying to galvanize his majority support. Donald Trump, on the other hand, is merely trying to pretend he has majority support. Considering how badly his advisers appear to be misleading him when it comes to his terrible poll numbers, perhaps he’s really trying to convince himself that it’s not all slipping away from him. But in reality, this is little more than an all-caps cry for help from someone who’s falling off a cliff.

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