Donald Trump just vowed to invade Seattle

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To give you an idea of what a joke Donald Trump has turned the presidency into, consider that when the President of the United States announced last night that Seattle had been overtaken by domestic terrorists, most Americans just rolled their eyes at his nonsense and went about their business.

Now Trump is taking his hallucinations even further by outright vowing to invade Seattle if the Governor and Mayor don’t get the imaginary domestic terrorists under control:


By now, smart observers have figured out that Donald Trump is mostly just blowing smoke when it comes to these kinds of threats. When he threatened to invade Washington DC, it ended up consisting of him gassing protesters for a few minutes, posing for a photo op, and then going right back to his bunker and hiding.

So it’s not as if anyone expects Donald Trump to actually send in the military to bust up Seattle. At this point the military doesn’t appear to be on his side when it comes to domestic warfare anyway. Besides, what would an invasion of Seattle even look like? Would Trump start by taking all the Starbucks? Would Pearl Jam lead the Resistance? Trump has completely jumped the shark.

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