Donald Trump is having a pretty terrible night

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Donald Trump just falsely announced that “domestic terrorists have taken over Seattle.” That’s right, the President of the United States just made the incredible claim that a major American city has fallen at the hands of terrorists. Most Americans know he’s lying, and yet the expectations are so low with this guy, we just shrug it off as being his latest moment of lunacy.

Considering how far removed this guy is from sanity, coherence, humanity, it’s almost unbelievable that we’ve made it three and a half years into this nightmare and most of us are still alive. He’s only gotten about a hundred and fifteen thousand of us killed with his deranged negligence โ€“ so far.

If we’re stuck with this idiot for a few more months, at least he’s providing unwitting entertainment along the way. Tonight he announced that “ugly anarchists must be stooped” โ€“ that’s right, stooped. He’s so far removed from coherence that when he yelled out “LAW & ORDER” at the end of his false claim that Seattle had fallen to terrorists, it was unclear if he was calling for law and order, or if he got distracted by a rerun of Law & Order.

But really, this guy’s got to go. Yes, Joe Biden has a huge lead, and yes, Donald Trump has no idea how to turn his numbers around. But we’re going to need a historic level of voter registration and voter turnout, to leave no doubt about the outcome. We can’t take four more years of this blithering idiot. We can barely take four more months.

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