Andrew Cuomo just destroyed Donald Trump

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This morning Donald Trump came up with arguably his most deranged tweet yet, when he claimed that the seventy-five year old guy who was shoved to the ground by the police was actually a domestic terrorist who had staged the entire incident. Suffice it to say that the tweet didn’t go over well.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, who has jurisdiction over the Buffalo police department, used his press conference today to rip Donald Trump to shreds over it: “What do you think it was, staged? Do you think the blood coming out of his head was staged? Is that what you’re saying? … How reckless, how irresponsible, how mean, how cruel? I mean if there was ever a reprehensible dumb comment, and from the President of the United States, at this moment of anguish and anger. What does he do? Pours gasoline on the fire.”

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