Donald Trump has berserk meltdown about General James Mattis and Sebastian Gorka

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Last week General James Mattis, who served as Donald Trump’s Secretary of Defense, publicly condemned Trump for being unfit and deranged. Most people, including some Republicans, sided with Mattis. But Trump’s longtime white supremacist sidekick Sebastian Gorka insisted that the highly decorated and widely respected Mattis is somehow “no Marine.”

To the surprise of no one, Trump is siding with Gorka over Mattis. Trump tweeted this gobbledygook today: “Mattis was our Country’s most overrated General. He talked a lot, but never “brought home the bacon.” He was terrible! Someday I will tell the real story on him and others – both good and bad!”

This doesn’t even make sense. If General Mattis was “terrible” then why did Donald Trump keep him on as Secretary of Defense for years? What does it even mean that he supposedly never brought home the bacon? He’s a military guy, not… whoever it is that brings home bacon.

And why is Donald Trump threatening to someday reveal people’s secrets? Is he already planning a tell-all book for after he loses the election? This is beyond bizarre.

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