Maxine Waters just threw down the 25th Amendment gauntlet against Donald Trump

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As Donald Trump’s poll numbers continue to drop and his reelection prospects continue to dwindle, he keeps behaving in increasingly abusive and deranged ways. This is precisely what the 25th Amendment was written for. Now Congresswoman Maxine Waters is calling for it to be invoked:



To be clear, the 25th Amendment can only be invoked if Mike Pence and a majority of the cabinet agree that Donald Trump is unfit and must be removed. Pence would then become “acting president” and Trump could appeal to Congress to decide whether to reinstate him.

There is no indication that Pence or the cabinet is willing to do any such thing. Maxine Waters is correct in that this process needs to start somewhere, and one cabinet member speaking up publicly would indeed force a national conversation, potentially laying the groundwork for such a move to be made.

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