Donald Trump goes bonkers, vows to destroy Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski

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Donald Trump seems to be trying to figure out how to alienate as many people as possible right now. Last night he viciously attacked General James Mattis. This evening he did the same to General John Kelly. Now Trump is attacking Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski in almost maniacal fashion.

Earlier today, Senator Murkowski told the media that she agreed with General Mattis’ negative assessment of Trump, and that she wasn’t sure if she was going to support Trump in the election. Now Trump is firing back at Murkowski on a deeply personal level:

Few people know where they’ll be in two years from now, but I do, in the Great State of Alaska (which I love) campaigning against Senator Lisa Murkowski. She voted against HealthCare, Justice Kavanaugh, and much else Unrelated, I gave Alaska ANWR, major highways, and more. Get any candidate ready, good or bad, I don’t care, I’m endorsing. If you have a pulse, I’m with you!

Well okay then. To be clear, Murkowski voted for health care, when she joined the late John McCain in voting to save Obamacare. And the only way Trump will be in Alaska two years from now is if he happens to get assigned to a federal prison located within the state, because he’ll definitely be behind bars by 2022.

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