The line has been drawn

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When Donald Trump posted a retweet tonight mocking Joe Biden for wearing a face mask on Monday, it drew a battle line of sorts. This stopped being about why Trump has hesitated to wear a mask, why he’s made so many excuses for not wearing a mask, and when he’ll finally give in and start wearing a mask. Trump just married himself to the notion that wearing a mask is an objectionable thing to do.

That’s one heck of a strange thing to draw the line on. We all get why Trump doesn’t want to wear a mask. He’s an insecure narcissist who’s probably afraid of smearing his orange face paint. He thinks he’s impressing his bottom feeding base by not wearing a mask, and he may be right about that – but as always, his base alone isn’t nearly large enough to get him reelected. Yet Trump is heading further down that stupid road anyway.

So now we’ll see Trump’s scumbag supporters mocking Joe Biden for wearing a mask. We’ll also see Trump’s filthy supporters ramp up their harassment of everyday Americans who wear a mask. It’ll create more chaos and more awfulness than ever. But when you look at the polling on how Americans feel about wearing masks, this is absolutely a losing issue for Trump. As is increasingly the case with this guy, he’s drawing the wrong line in the wrong sand.

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