Donald Trump has completely psychotic meltdown involving pitchforks, nooses, and murder allegations

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Right now the Supreme Court is deciding whether to give Donald Trump’s tax returns to Congress, and to a New York grand jury that’s in the process of criminally indicting him. This comes even as Trump faces a coronavirus outbreak in the White House. So how’s he taking the news? Not well.

Trump decided that the best use of his time today was to demand that “Morning Joe” Scarborough be investigated for murdering a woman. No really, this is what the President of the United States does with his time now. This phony murder allegation isn’t just unfair to Scarborough, it’s particularly unfair to the family of the former Scarborough staffer who died as a result of a heart defect. But Trump was just getting started.

Donald Trump also decided that today would be a good day to retweet a particularly graphic cartoon image of Nancy Pelosi wielding a tiki torch, Adam Schiff holding up a noose, Jerry Nadler wielding a pitchfork, and Mitt Romney carrying a two by four. Trump sure is obsessed with falsely accusing his political adversaries of violence right now. It tells you just how far psychologically gone he is.

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