Donald Trump has completely unhinged meltdown involving President Obama, Michael Flynn, Madonna an Robert de Niro

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Over the weekend we learned that the coronavirus has infected people in the White House who have been in close proximity to Donald Trump. Last night we learned that Trump is “shell shocked” at how ugly his internal poll numbers have gotten. So perhaps it’s not surprising that today he’s having his most unhinged – and prolonged – meltdown to date.

Donald Trump has posted dozens of tweets and retweets today, each more hallucinatory than the last. He’s trying tp spin some kind of conspiracy theory involving President Obama and pretty much the entire government having conspired to frame Michael Flynn, all for no apparent reason, despite the fact that Flynn has already pleaded guilty in detail to his crimes.

Other people mentioned in Trump’s meltdown include Andrew McCabe, James Clapper, John Kerry, James Comey, Hillary Clinton, John Podesta, Rod Rosenstein, and CNN’s Brian Stelter. Then Trump retweeted this in reference to Madonna and Robert de Niro: “Two complete sellouts who’ve been compromised and are heavily blackmailable.”

That’s right, the President of the United States appears to be openly talking about blackmailing Madonna. Donald Trump also kept pushing an #ObamaGate hashtag, but it only ended up trending because everyone kept making fun of him. With Trump’s Michael Flynn stunt already unraveling, he’s blowing it up to cartoon level conspiracy theory proportions. This is definitely not helping his cause.

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