Donald Trump is fading before our eyes

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Donald Trump’s longstanding narcissistic sociopathy makes him uniquely ill-suited to address the human aspect of the coronavirus crisis. And his worsening senility makes him ill-suited for public appearances, period. The best move that Trump’s handlers could make right now is to keep him off the stage entirely.

But considering how far behind Trump is in the election, that’s not an option. His handlers have to keep sticking him out there and hoping for the best. They try to load him up with answers that sound halfway competent and human, but he ends up bungling them, and often giving the wrong prefabricated answer to the wrong kind of question.

For instance, during Trump’s interview with ABC News last night, he was asked what message he has for the many grieving Americans who have lost loved ones in this crisis. It’s not that Trump would have known how to answer in a human manner anyway, but surely his handlers gave him some kind of stock answer for this kind of question.

Instead he got mixed up and gave an answer about how great the economy is going to be soon. Then he compounded his mistake by saying that he’s suffered the worst economic impact of anyone. This was clearly the answer that his handlers had given him in case he got asked about people who are struggling financially.

Donald Trump is now so far gone that not only do his handlers have to come up with all his answers for him, he can’t even understand the questions well enough to figure out which rehearsed answer he’s supposed to give. In addition to everything else that’s wrong with Trump, he’s now at least half senile, and it keeps getting worse. Because Trump is losing, and his people will have to keep rolling the dice by frequently sending him out there, we’re going to keep watching him fading away before our eyes.

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