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The President of the United States spent the weekend at Camp David “working,” or as what the rest of us refer to as tweeting and eating badly. He returned on Sunday, and by Monday morning he was back with his rantings of a madman, tweeting:

“Concast” should open up a long overdue Florida Cold Case against Pscycho Joe Scarborough. I know him and Crazy Mika well, used them beautifully in the last Election, dumped them nicely, and will state on the record that he is “nuts”. Besides, bad ratings! #OPENJOECOLDCASE”

Trump apparently is referring the accidental death of a Joe Scarborough staffer back when Scarborough was in Congress. One would think Trump has better things to do than lash out at Joe and Mika, but alas, a little like the cashew calling the pecan “nuts,” Trump is in his full glory and likely prepping for his rallies. One might think he would be focused on the upcoming Supreme Court cases involving release of his records, or responding and providing DNA in the E. Jean Carroll matter, or trying to address that the Epstein records be unsealed.

Or maybe Trump should be focused on the carnage that is COVID-19, with the numbers continuing to escalate and Trump’s own internal numbers showing deaths in the coming weeks escalating daily, with the number of COVID-related deaths growing to perhaps 100,000 by sometime midyear. But instead, he is tweeting about who is nuts, and about truckers supporting him.

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