Chris Hayes runs and hides from his own mess

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Last week, Chris Hayes used his MSNBC show to falsely characterize an allegation against Joe Biden as “credible” and “corroborated” when in reality the accuser had already poked numerous holes in her own story, and multiple supposed corroborators had confirmed they had no idea what she was even talking about. Hayes made a complete mess of things, setting off a series of events.

So many members of Chris Hayes’ audience were so outraged by the stunt he’d pulled, the #FireChrisHayes hashtag began trending on Twitter for nearly a full day. Hayes ended up openly mocking the hashtag during a subsequent show, even as he falsely characterized his audience’s reasons for rebellion against him.

Because of the mess that Hayes made, Joe Biden ended up having to clear the air about the phony scandal during an episode of Morning Joe. Then on Saturday, the accuser admitted she never had filed a sexual assault complaint, meaning the whole thing was over. But then MSNBC’s Sunday hosts then proceeded to keep hyping the scandal as if it were real. Then earlier today, MSNBC chairman Andy Lack was abruptly ousted from his own network.

This put all eyes on Chris Hayes tonight, to see how he would handle all of this. Would he continue to dishonestly hype a scandal that he knew was phony? Would he acknowledge that he blew the story, and apologize to his audience? Instead he did neither. Hayes ran and hid from his own mess by spending the entire hour tonight not talking about the scandal at all. So be it. This had better be the end of this nonsense. Hayes has already done enough damage to the 2020 election cycle.

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