Here comes Donald Trump’s biggest dumpster fire yet

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After Donald Trump announced that he was giving up on press briefings, we saw over the weekend what happens when he doesn’t get to go on stage and behave like a maniac each day. His tweets over the weekend weren’t just disturbing, they were evidence that you could use to get someone locked in a rubber room for their own safety.

Trump’s own people announced that there would be no press briefing today. But he’s apparently overruled them, because now he suddenly has a last minute briefing scheduled for 5pm eastern time. Trump’s babysitters clearly don’t think this is a good idea – and for good reason.

Trump just spent the weekend stewing on Twitter in psychotic fashion, airing grievances real and imagined and hallucinatory. Now he’s about to step in front of the TV cameras for the first time in three days, still angry about all the imaginary things he spent the weekend ranting about. Even if Trump tries to behave, there’s little to suggest that he’s even capable of mimicking sane behavior at this point.

Keep in mind that since Donald Trump began doing these press briefings, his already-bad approval numbers and 2020 poll numbers have gotten even worse. Trump’s briefings are hurting him so badly, they’re essentially TV ads for Joe Biden. But Trump is looking to feed his narcissistic addiction to attention at any cost.

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