Nancy Pelosi just buried Donald Trump

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Donald Trump is an idiot who has no idea what he’s doing. He has no 2020 strategy. His press briefings and Twitter meltdowns are all about feeding his narcissistic addiction to attention, not part of some winning formula. He doesn’t have a magic wand. There’s no secret evil genius plan. He’s just flailing around, and if we work hard enough, we’ll beat him.

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi was kind enough to go on CNN State of the Union this morning and remind everyone that the wannabe emperor has no clothes. She zeroed in on Donald Trump’s dangerously incoherent meltdown about injecting disinfectant to try to fight coronavirus: “You know what they call that? They call that embalming.”

Donald Trump is dangerous because he’s inept, clueless, and cognitively incompetent, and mentally deranged. But he’s not some secret evil genius. It’s important that we all keep driving home the point that he’s a complete idiot, until voters in the middle finally get it.

Donald Trump’s only real chance of winning in 2020 is if we’re too busy cowering to him, to bother getting out there and putting in the work that’s required to win, such as voter registration, volunteering for the Joe Biden campaign, and voter turnout.

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